Los Sitios Reales: relive the history of Madrid's royal palaces
The Los Sitios Reales tourist and cultural application enables visitors to the Madrid region to discover over forty royal sites referenced in Spain.
Immerse yourself in history

The city was conceived as a noble space where the best construction techniques were used. The grand houses with their patios, domes, convents, balconies, squares and wide streets all bear witness to four centuries of history.
During the Bourbon era and the Napoleonic occupation, the city of Aranjuez played an important role in Spanish history. The beauty and richness of its royal sites make it an unmissable place to visit. The Royal Palace of Aranjuez is one of the residences of the King of Spain. It is listed as part of the Aranjuez cultural landscape on UNESCO's World Heritage List.
Reviving the royal palaces
The Los Sitios Reales application allows users to discover over forty royal sites in Spain. Five are located in the city of Aranjuez. The buildings can be viewed in situ, to offer the most meaningful interpretation of Aranjuez's history through reconstructed images. Some have disappeared, but others can be rediscovered thanks to an interactive map and contributions from local communities. Each site is associated with a descriptive sheet containing information on its history, its current state and its tourist and cultural attraction.
The project has been selected by Spain's Ministry of Culture as part of the funding scheme for digital innovation projects, to promote the dissemination and understanding of Spain's cultural heritage.