Escape game

Succes Story: How Villers-la-Ville Abbey attracts younger generations with augmented reality digital escape game

Nov 04, 2024

Go on an adventure with the Odelin ghost in augmented reality at Villers Abbey
At Villers Abbey, follow in the footsteps of the ghost of the monk Odeli...

Success story: Social game with 3D augmented reality avatars at the Musée du 22e Royal Régiment in Quebec City

Mar 13, 2024

3D avatars invade the Royal 22e Régiment Museum at the Citadelle of Québec with an innovative new temporary exhibition on the central theme of...

Furie d'Alésia" Augmented Escape Game: An Immersive and Innovative Adventure

August 03, 2023

"Furie d'Alésia" is a one-of-a-kind experience, blending the history of the Gallic and Roman city of Alesia with cutting-edge a...

3 items





Augmented reality tour companions for the tourism industry

5 Ideas for Archaeological Sites to Attract New Visitors with 3D & Augmented Reality

Collaborative Projects : A lever for sustainable performance

10 ideas for attracting new audiences to your archaeological site with Augmented Reality and 3D

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Hotels: useful technologies?

Tourism: The Power of Avatars Explained by the Proteus Effect

Augmented reality app for guided tours of Cherbourg: a worthwhile investment

Lionel Guillaume, in audio on Lien Multimédia