Cultural mediation: augmented reality at the museum

Application for visiting the Maison Rouge museum by OHRIZON

Cultural mediation in museums with augmented reality

In France, cultural mediation is entering a new era thanks to augmented reality (AR). Two pioneering museums, the Musée Girodet in Montargis (Loiret) and the Musée des Vallées Cévenoles in Saint-Jean-du-Gard, are integrating this immersive technology to offer their visitors augmented reality experiences.

These museums have chosen to reinvent cultural mediation by offering multi-experience applications. They combine :

  • In-depth explanations of selected works and artifacts.
  • Interactive experiences for all audiences, including the very young.

A new dimension in cultural discovery

Since 2018, two museums have opened their new spaces with innovative digital applications. Designed by theOHRIZON agency, in collaboration with the museums' cultural mediation departments, these apps redefine the concept of the traditional audioguide. They integrate :

  • Observation games to explore the collections in a fun way.
  • Cultural interpretation experiences enhanced by augmented reality.
  • Immersive surprises that captivate all generations, especially millennials.

Available on Google Play and Apple Store, these augmented reality applications put technology at the service of heritage.

Focus on the Girodet Museum

Housed in the former Hôtel Durzy in Montargis, the Musée Girodet boasts prestigious collections including paintings, sculptures and drawings by famous 19th-century artists, as well as an archaeological collection.

In 2002, it was awarded the "Musée de France" label, but in 2016, exceptional floods damaged more than 3,000 works. Restorers from museums in Orléans, Tours and Paris mobilized to save this priceless heritage.

In 2018, after a complete renovation, the Girodet museum reopens its doors in an enlarged and modernized space, ready to welcome its visitors with augmented reality applications to enrich their discoveries.

Focus on the Maison Rouge museum

The Cévennes valleys museum, also known as the "Maison Rouge", finds its new home in a unique architectural ensemble: a modern dry-stone building and a former 19th-century spinning mill.

This spinning mill, closed in 1965, bears witness to the local industrial history, when Saint-Jean-du-Gard had 23 silk factories employing some 1,240 workers. The museum's modern museography combines raw concrete and chestnut wood to create a warm, contemporary atmosphere.

Supported by Alès Agglomération, the museum hopes to welcome up to 60,000 visitors a year, and is becoming an example of how digitalization and the integration of augmented reality can enhance the value of heritage.

Augmented reality: a lever for cultural mediation

These two museums show how augmented reality can transform cultural mediation by offering :

  • Immersive experiences that capture visitors' attention.
  • Interactive teaching tools that make the works accessible to a wider audience.
  • A heritage that blends tradition and innovation.

By making collections more engaging and participative, AR offers a new way of discovering and preserving our cultural heritage, while attracting connected generations and enriching the user experience.


Augmented reality is much more than a technology; it's a genuine cultural mediation tool that transforms museums into interactive, connected spaces. With examples such as the Musée Girodet and the Maison Rouge, France shows how to combine innovation and heritage to create innovative tourist experiences that captivate all generations.

By integrating augmented reality applications, these museums are not only preserving their history, but also adapting it to the future.

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