Musée de Pont-à-Mousson: Discover the "paper thread" museum mediation application

The Musée de Pont-à-Moussonlocated in the Grand-Est region of France, offers an immersive visitor experience thanks to its innovative museum mediation application, "au fil du papier". This application, available on Samsung tablets loaned free of charge by the museum, accompanies visitors in their discovery of papier-mâché objects and the history of this rare industry. Immerse yourself in the museum's world and explore its treasures thanks to a unique combination of interactive games, multimedia content and a 3D reconstruction of the papier-mâché factory.
A guided tour with Jeannot, the 3D character-guide
As soon as you arrive at the museum, you'll be greeted by Jeannot, a 3D character-guide inspired by images of workers at the papier-mâché factory in the 1800s. Jeannot plays the role of guide and accompanies you throughout your visit. He introduces you to the application and gives you instructions for the various games and activities. Thanks to Jeannot, you'll discover the secrets of the papier-mâché industry and immerse yourself in the fascinating history of Pont à Mousson.
Multimedia audio guide and interactive games
The "au fil du papier" application offers a multimedia audio guide to 32 points of interest (POIs) around the museum. The points of interest in the multimedia audio guide are organized by theme, and enable you to learn more about the various objects on display. Each point of interest is accompanied by an image, descriptive text and corresponding audio. Some points of interest are also linked to interactive games, allowing you to test your knowledge and have fun while discovering the world of papier-mâché.
Among the games offered in the application, you'll find :
The order form: an augmented reality game where you have to help Jeannot find an order form among the papers flying around you.
The vase: a game in which you reconstruct a vase by observing the one in front of you in the museum.
Papier-mâché making: a game in which you have to put the papier-mâché-making steps in the right order before the time runs out.
The scale: a game where you have to find the weight of a papier-mâché object using weights.
The 7 mistakes: an observation game where you have to find the differences between a living room reconstruction in the museum and the images in the application.
La vitrine: an observation game where you have to find objects that shouldn't be in a shop window.
Lacquering: a game where you have to embellish a tarnished object by lacquering it.
The recipe: a game in which you select the elements needed to make papier-mâché, then mix them together.
The quiz : a question-and-answer game to test your knowledge of papier-mâché and the history of Pont à Mousson.

An immersive 3D reconstruction
One of the most fascinating features of the museum's mediation application "au fil du papier" is the 3D reconstruction of the papier-mâché factory as it was when it was still in operation. This interactive reconstitution plunges you into the world of the factory, allowing you to discover how the machines worked at the time. Thanks to this reconstruction, you can observe the different stages in the manufacture of papier-mâché and understand the essential role of each machine.
As you explore the factory in 3D, Jeannot will accompany you and give you detailed information about four machines on display in the backyard:
The rolling mill
The Dutch battery
The grinding wheel
La presse
Thanks to 3D modeling and animation, you'll be able to see the machines in motion, just as they were in the 1800s. Thanks to this immersive reconstruction, you'll have a true virtual experience of the papier-mâché factory, and a better understanding of its historical importance.
OHRIZON's role with the Musée de Pont-à-Mousson
OHRIZON was involved in the following aspects of this project:
Creation of tour and game scenarios
Ideation of games, in connection with the "Au fil du papier" Museum
Creation of Jeannot, the 3D-modeled and animated guide character, inspired by an archive photo from 1881.
Creation of an interactive virtual tour of the engine room (reconstructed in 3D)
Translations, recordings and integration of audio into the "audioguide" part of the museum application
Application development
Supply of shelves and storage tools
A mediation application combining multimedia audioguide and virtual reality
The mediation application "au fil du papier", created by OHRIZON for the "Au fil du Papier" museum in Pont- à-Mousson, offers a unique, interactive visitor experience. Thanks to Jeannot, the 3D character-guide, you'll discover the secrets of the papier-mâché industry and plunge into the fascinating history of Pont à Mousson. Interactive games let you test your knowledge and have fun while you learn, while the 3D reconstruction of the papier-mâché factory offers an unforgettable immersive experience. Don't miss the opportunity to discover this exciting cultural application on your next visit to the Musée de Pont à Mousson.